KidKeeper 2.0
KidKeeper is a simple but useful program for keeping track of the
children you care so much about. KidKeeper allows you track a multitude of
information on multiple children. Data entry is made to be quick and easy while
allowing you to enter the information that you need most. The un-registered
version doesn't allow text entry into the tables, but it will give you an idea of what to
expect. Registered users are entitled to free upgrades and many other promotions
from From due dates to prom dates, Kidkeeper will come in handy!
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*If you do not already have an account with PayPal you can hit the
link above, set up an account and purchase KidKeeper all at the same time. When you
set up an account for the first time, you can receive a $5.00 sign on bonus from
PayPal. So, its like getting this quality software for FREE. Make sure when
you sign up for a new account that you list me and my email address ( as your referral,
it helps me keep the product priced low. Thanks.
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The opening form contains the main table with your child's name and
date of birth. This page also contains the primary links or buttons to other pages
in the program.
By tapping on the child's record (the text) or by hitting the "new" button, you
will be taken to the "Child Medical Info" form which contains a quick reference
for medical info on that child. You can easily use the drop-down menu to enter blood
type. "Enter" saves your entry and takes you back to the from with the
table, while "Delete" will permanently erase the record that is currently shown.
the Prenatal menu you can access a form that allows you to enter information regarding the
due date of a child. This page handles information from only one child. In the
current version there is not an automatic date calculator (future versions will have this
function), but there is an information sheet on how to manually calculate the various
dates on this form. Tapping on the "info" icon at the top right will
access this form and provide you will instructions on how to calculate the various dates.
The Prenatal menu also contains a form for entering your prenatal
doctor visit information. You can review a doctor visit by tapping on the record or
enter a new doctor visit by tapping "new". You can
sort the entries in the table by tapping on the arrow next to "Sort By" and then
choose a name to sort the table with. The two arrows found at the lower right are
for moving up and down in the table if many children's names are entered. Tapping on
a record or "new" will send you to the "Prenatal Doctor Visit Info"
page to enter data on each doctor visit. Use checkmarks to indicate which type of
visit it was (FMH= Fetal Heart Monitor) and use the circled "N" to write
extensive comments if you need.
the Medical menu you can access information on Pediatric Doctor Visits. (Note the
difference between Pediatric and Prenatal... can be confusing). This form contains
name, date, and the child's Height, Weight, and Head Circumference. This information
is entered on the Pediatric Doctor Visit Info form. Reasons for the visit can be
checked and comments can be entered.
the Medical menu you can also access a form on Immunizations. The table contains
name, date, and an abbreviated list of Vaccinations received on that date. The
Immunization Info page allows you to enter your own combination of immunizations by
tapping the "edit" button. A key is provided to guide you in abbreviating
the vaccines and an info icon, "i", will lead you to a form that reminds
you of the General Immunization Schedule.
Another feature of the Medical menu is a Medication Log with a table
that features name, date, medication, and records which meds they are currently taking. Information
for the form is entered on the Medication Log Info page which also has places to enter the
dose, frequency, pharmacy info, and comments. This information is very valuable when
you make future doctor visits and purchases at the pharmacy.
final form that is associated with the Medical menu is an Illness and Accident recorder.
The table contains name, date, and the type of illness or accident. Information
is entered on the Illness/Accident Info page and allows you to
enter data on the doctor who treated your child, what the treatment was (Tx), and any
the Main Menu you can access the Milestone form for entering those important firsts.
Enter data on the Milestone Info page where you can customize the
drop-down menu and add any milestone you would like by tapping the "edit"
button. Comments are also possible here. If your partner does not understand
the purpose of a Handheld computer... this feature alone should convince them of its
will find the button for School on the Main Menu as well. This table gives you a
quick reference for child name, school name, and school phone number. Data is
entered on the School Info page and also has other pertinent info
regarding the child's school. You never know when you might need to make a phone
call to the principal's office. (The Locker Combo feature was a request of my own
Friends form can be found on the Main Menu and gives you easy to find data on your
children's friends. Information is entered on the Friend Info page and is a useful
resource when doing birthday invitations, organizing a soccer team, or just
trying to track down which house your child is sleeping over at.
activities form is the last link found on the Main Menu and provides information on your
children's various activities. Data is entered on the Activity Info page
where you will find other useful fields such as contact person, phone, and comments.
This function is not meant to replace your calendar, but is meant to enhance it by giving
you specific data on your child's many activities.
new form is accessable from the Main Menu and provides the user with a place to jot down
quick notes that pertain to your kids information. Easy to write and navigate
through the records. Unlimited number of drawings capable. Have fun doodling.
While I have done my best to work out all the kinks in
KidKeeper 1.0, there are bound to be a few left over. Please be patient and let me
know of any alterations that are necessary. Registered owners of KidKeeper are
entitled to any updates made to this program from here on out for free.
*There are some known limitations to KidKeeper that I would like to make you
aware of... KidKeeper was developed with the help of a PC program called PDA
Toolbox. While this program is wonderful, it does have its limitations.
Kidkeeper has no cut, copy, or paste functions. There are no links to other palm
**Fixed the bug with the dropdown menus! No more problems with data entry
into tables, should work really well. Enjoy!
***Note... when you install this program it will show up on your handheld as
KidKeeper 1.0 instead of 2.0... rest assured that it is the 2.0 version, it may read as
1.0 in your handheld's directory though. Sorry.
****New to this Version:
-Fixed the bugs
associated with data entry and dropdown menus
-Fixed other small bugs
and increased functionality
-Added the new
"Kid Quick Notes" form for jotting down quick notes
-Added enhanced
Immunization schedule
-Cleaned up buttons and
excess text.
*****Legal Stuff: Don't rip off this program and try to sell it as your
own, that's against the law. Oh yeah, and don't just hand out the Registration Code
either... that sucks for me. Thanks.
Jon Caldwell
Purchase for $5.00 @
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